Electronic engineering (also called electronics and communications engineering) is an electrical engineering discipline which utilizes nonlinear and active electrical components (such as semiconductor devices, especially transistors and diodes) to design electronic circuits, devices, integrated circuits and their systems. The discipline typically also designs passive electrical components, usually based on printed circuit boards. Electronics is a subfield within the wider electrical engineering academic subject but denotes a broad engineering field that covers subfields such as analog electronics, digital electronics, consumer electronics, embedded systems and power electronics.
Selection through Scientist Entry Test (SET) and also through GATE exam. Developing new defence equipment and technologies for the country's armed forces.Research work,Designing and Development, Managerial work.Initial pay-Rs 56,100
Selection through ICRB Exam conducted by ISRO.
Basic work will be on MATLAB, SIMULINK, C, LabView, GUI Development, Analyzing Scientific Data, Algorithm development or testing by reading Papers, Writing Papers.Salary - Rs : 16,000 + HRA. It is aTemporary job.It is diverse at times from writing technical papers to developing or testing algorithms.The JRF post is 2-3 years Max, so just be prepared for what to do after that 2-3 years of the JRF.
A scientific officer holds a managerial role in a company that conducts scientific research or makes scientific products. This job requires a bachelor's degree, but many in this field have completed a graduate program. In addition to independent research, scientific officers must lead teams, create policy and protocol, and collaborate with company executives.Recruitment through GATE score.
The responsibilities of an aeronautical engineer is not only to maintain aircraft. There are many other specialist equipment in the IAF like Radars, vehicles etc., The maintenance of all such equipment is the responsibility of such officers.Selection through AFCAT exam.
Contenders are shortlisted based on their GATE scores. Then interview will be conducted to recruit aspirants.
HAL is the biggest Aerospace manufacturing company in India and operates under the Ministry of Defence.Selection through GATE.Management Trainees will be learning and trained to take the reins from their seniors in managing the day to day activities and focus on managing the employees.
The selection of candidates for Scientific & Technical posts through NIC Recruitment will be done through a Written Examination and Interview for Scientist 'B' post and only through Written Examination for Scientific/Technical Assistant - 'A' post. Candidates selected for Scientific & Technical posts through NIC Recruitment will be paid emolument in the range of Rs. 35,400 to Rs. 1,77,500 per month as per the designation.
Eligible candidates will be allowed for Personal Interview upon successful completion of the document verification. Final recommendations will be made based on performance in the interview and purely on merit.
The work of an AAI Junior Executive (ATC) is centered around executing proper functioning of the Airport Traffic and its Control. It includes tasks such as: Monitoring and maintenance of the computer systems and networks of an organization, Installation and configuration computer systems.Candidates are screened based on normalized GATE Scores. Shortlisted candidates are called for verification directly at the headquarters in New Delhi. document corporate.The basic work is maintenance of all the equipment used for communication or guidance devices used by aircrafts like VOR, RADAR, NDB, LOCALIZER, INTRANET, VHF LINES etc..!! Apart from that flight plan booking, notam generation, creating backup of all transmissions for inspection purposes, and many more responsibilities lie with CNS personnel.
A scientific officer holds a managerial role in a company that conducts scientific research or makes scientific products. This job requires a bachelor's degree, but many in this field have completed a graduate program. In addition to independent research, scientific officers must lead teams, create policy and protocol, and collaborate with company executives.Selection through GATE and BARC Exam and interview In BARC, scientific officers are placed in various divisions based on their merit in exams held during a 1 year training period. Kind of work one could get entirely depends on the division/section where he/she is placed. Every division has its own mandate and work allotted will be in line with that.Work hours: 8.5 hrs of work - 5 days a week
Graduate engineer trainees have completed their degree in an engineering discipline and are employed by companies as trainees. They perform all assigned tasks and gain practical experience using CAD software, working on projects, and writing reports.
The Design Trainee will work in one of the design divisions of HAL. They will manage to draw the changed requests, and they also help assist the Production Engineering Team.The Design Trainee will also produce drawings, 3D models and other documentation.Recruitment through GATE.
The Assistant Engineer is responsible to the Executive Engineer for the management and execution of works